When the book of Revelation from the bible is mentioned the first thing that comes to people’s minds is that, time is near. This is the last book in the bible and most people may not be fully aware of what the title fully stands for. Well, it simply means causing something to be fully disclosed and brought to light. According to Christian belief, the second coming is the time which the saviour returns to take the believers to a paradise called heaven. There is quite a lot to learn about the book of Revelation and the second coming. Read on to learn more about the themes and the purposes of the book of revelation.
Character is among the major themes in the book. Just as the name of the book suggests, the end times are near and it is important to change your character to a better one in order to get through the end. The book of Revelation goes a little bit further to clarify that character is quite important to God and that without having the best character, there is nothing that a believer will accomplish in either this world or the next one.
The theme of worship is also quite evident when it comes to the book of Revelation. The book clears warns people to worship the true God or else they would suffer executive judgment. By choosing to worship the true God, you would be able to enjoy eternal life in heaven. It is quite vital for Christians to keenly consider how they worship and whom they worship as long as they have breath in their lungs.
Aside from that, the choice is a paramount theme that comes out clearly in the book of Revelation. The book of revelation gives people the choice to either continue doing wrong, being vile or continuing in holiness and doing well since the saviour would be returning soon to reward everyone according to their deeds. The book of Revelation clearly states that life is all about the choices that we make and that choices describe what people become and experience in the end. At the beginning of the book, people are given the choice to read, listen and hold whatever they read about dearly.
The second coming of the Savior of mankind is revealed through the book of revelation. People who have a strong belief in God are able to have hope since the book of Revelations tells them that in the end they would be saved because their saviour would be coming back. This is among the main purposes of the book.
Finally, through the book of Revelation, Jesus is able to reveal Himself to Christians. The book starts with Jesus and it ends with him which is clearly means that he is the central figure of the book. Through this book, believers are able to identify Jesus as the centre of all hope. Surely, you would be able to learn a great deal about the coming back of Jesus and the purpose of the book.
All in all, reading about Revelation second coming in the Bible can really open a person's eyes. That is why it will be worth your time to sit down a few minutes of each day to read the Revelation second coming stories in the Bible. That said, here is another great post that you should also read about the Bible, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/how-reading-the-bible-in-100-days_b_1610954.